CSSE120 - Intro to Software Development
Revision as of 01:30, 5 March 2024 by (talk) (Created page with "== Class Description == This class will introduce you to the basic programming concepts in Python (loops, conditions, variables, etc.). Most of the content is learned through...")
Class Description
This class will introduce you to the basic programming concepts in Python (loops, conditions, variables, etc.). Most of the content is learned through the videos, and class time is usually used to work on homework. The three exams are night exams, which consist of a paper part (where you're able to make a cheat sheet) and a coding part, with an optional final. The final project consists of creating a game of your choice in Python in a group of three.
Reading | |
Homework | Weekly |
Exams | 3 |
Final Exam | Yes (Optional) |
Final Project | Yes |
Flipped Classroom | Yes |