MA/CSSE473 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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Class Description

Design and Analysis of Algorithms is typically taken during junior or senior year. It covers techniques for designing algorithms and for analyzing the time and space efficiency of different algorithms. Many of the algorithms covered during the course will be familiar to those who do leetcode, if you don't, now is a good time to start.

Reading None
Homework Semiweekly
Exams 3
Final Exam Yes
Final Project [No]
Flipped Classroom No

Advice for Students Taking MA/CSSE473

Langley is fantastic, Eldredge has been noted as another good professor. By the time most students will be taking this class, they should know how to find good professors anyway.

The proofs in comparison to other CS/MA courses are very simplistic. As long as you're comfortable with the math from CSSE230 and MA376, this is a fairly easy class. If you tend to struggle in math-heavy courses, review your notes from CSSE230 on recurrence relations and big-O notation so that you're comfortable in the early parts of the quarter.


Prof. Langley's notes from Winter 2023/24 are linked here.


Homework assignments tend to be relatively straightforward - just apply the concepts from class and ask questions ahead of time if a problem looks particularly difficult.