RHLUG Wiki:Privacy policy
Your IP address will be sent to a backend server to serve you the web page (Apache, a standard HTTP server, requires this) and protect against abuse.
If you create an account (by contacting RHLUG on Telegram or through email), your login information (username and hashed/salted password) will be stored on our servers using MariaDB. To allow for privacy, you can choose to make your username not tie to your real name. You can remove this information at any time by contacting RHLUG on Telegram or through email (lug at mailman dot rose dash hulman dot edu).
If you switch between the Visual and Default editors, a cached copy of your wiki page will be kept on the server temporarily. I think it is deleted automatically as soon as you submit or cancel editing the page.
Wiki pages are publicly accessible over the Internet, and your username will be included in the revision history. You can remove this information at any time by contacting RHLUG on Telegram or through email (lug at mailman dot rose dash hulman dot edu).
We do not use any tracking or analytics (no hidden pixel tracking or Matomo), and we would never want to do that sort of thing.