CSSE333 - Intro to Database Systems

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Class Description[edit | edit source]

CSSE 333 will teach you the basics of setting up a relational database system. The class contains 3 regular exams and no final exam. Homework is completed on a daily basis and consists of a worksheet typically less than 4 pages long. Programming assignments are called labs and are due once a week. The class mainly uses Microsoft SQL Server and Java, but the use of alternative programming languages and database management systems (DBMS) is allowed for the final project. There is recommended reading from the textbook before each class, but it is not necessary to understand the material.

Reading Recommended
Homework Daily
Exams 3
Final Exam No
Final Project Yes
Flipped Classroom No

Advice for Students Taking CSSE 333[edit | edit source]

Final Project[edit | edit source]

When choosing the DBMS for your final project, keep in mind that SQL is not as standardized as your instructors suggest. If you choose an alternative, such as PostgresSQL, be prepared to learn a bunch of new syntax. Functions, procedures, if statements, and many other things have substantially different syntax.

When choosing a programming language for your final project, most common ones work quite well. If you and your teammates have all taken CSSE 280, consider writing an Electron application, as HTML is substantially easier than Java Swing.

Testing[edit | edit source]

You are allowed a double-sided 8.5x11" note sheet on exams. One good method to make use of this is to do practice problems, and whenever you find the need to check your notes / the internet, write the information you looked up on the note sheet.